The casting on method i like to use is called 'Knitted cast on', And this will be the one I will be teaching you guys! I hope this isn't to confussing I tried to make it as simple as I could, I also have a video to help you guys!
I have also added another casting on method, called 'Thumb cast on' The video is below!
Anyway! Casting on...
Now you have two stitches!!! This isn't the way you finish a knit stitch though, but all the other steps are the same, so once you get your cast on finished, you'll be ready to roll with the knit stitch.
To cast on the desired number of stitches, just keep repeating these steps until you have the required number of stitches on your needle.
- Start with needle that your slip knot is on in your left hand, and the other needle in your right.
- Slide the right hand needle into the loop on the left-hand needle from front to back, then loop the yarn that is attached to the ball over the point of the right-hand needle, going counter clockwise
- (Here's the only tricky part!!) Then, You will need to slide the right-hand needle back out from behind the left-hand needle, while keeping the loop you just made on the right-hand needle and the slip knot on the left-hand needle.
- Keep holding onto the yarn with your right hand so it doesn't get away from you. Slowly slide the right-hand needle down so the loop gets close to the tip of the needle, but does not slide off. At the same time the right-hand needle will be coming out from behind the left-hand needle.
- When the right-hand needle just comes out from behind the left-hand needle, give the right needle a little push with your left index finger to push the needle in front of the left needle.
- Now all you have to do is slide the loop that's on the right-hand needle onto the left-hand needle, above the slip knot loop.
Now you have two stitches!!! This isn't the way you finish a knit stitch though, but all the other steps are the same, so once you get your cast on finished, you'll be ready to roll with the knit stitch.
To cast on the desired number of stitches, just keep repeating these steps until you have the required number of stitches on your needle.
Thumb cast on Video
Long-Tail cast on Video.
Laterz!Charlotte x
Great, i have never tried long-tail cast on before, ill be sure to try this one next time i knit